Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quilt Sewcial - 29 days away.

I'm sitting on my deck having coffee and working on my "Sewcialite" gifts. Did you realize our annual Fall "Quilt Sewcial" is on September 24th... that's only 29 days away.

I look forward to our "Sewcial" each time. We have a great group of ladies that have attended almost every one we've had. We've also been lucky enough to add new faces to each one as well.
I think the part that's the best is watching everyone make new friends, laugh and share their love of quilting with others with the same "addiction"

I have contacted Old Chicago and let them know that you have requested the menu be kept the same. I also reminded them that you wanted more Thai pizza on the buffet. If you have any other requests, please let me know and I will do what I can to see that it's done.

I don't think we will have "Stevie Wonderhands" doing his massages this time. His schedule didn't seem to work with our date. I will contact him to see if he can come, if not I think I have an alternative.

I will send out a reminder to everyone on our email list to get their reservations in ASAP. I need to get our total count. If you have a friend that you would like to have attend, let them know. I do have a few openings left. I don't want to go over 35 guests, that makes us feel crowded like a can of sardines.

I look forward to seeing everyone and sharing a day.


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