Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 3... Still committed.

Hello Ladies.

I guess I don't need to ask how well you're doing, the totals really show it.

I weighed in Saturday morning and was down another -3.2 for a total in 3 weeks of -12.2.

I must say, it's not as hard as I thought it was going to be. I think one of the things that makes it easier to stick to is the fact that others are doing it with me. Maybe it would be called "Accountability". I weigh in each week at WW but I think what's really making this fun is knowing that there are others also going down the same road.

I got a call at the shop from JJ, she had a tip for everyone.

"Before every meal, have a glass of water with lemon squeezed in it (or orange). The water fills you up & the lemon flavors the water and makes drinking it easier. This is great for someone who doesn't like drinking water.

Thanks JJ for the tip it makes the water sound refreshing. I'll try the orange, that sounds good to me.

Here are the weights that came in so far.

Week 3 Total in 3 weeks

LP -3.2 -11.2
JJ -3.0 -11.6
JO -4.0 -9.0
OP -4.2 -4.2

I hope all goes well for everyone this week. My plan is to get to the gym at least one more time then I did this week. I would like to get it up to 5 days.

Thought for the week: Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation perspiration and inspiration.

Have a good week

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